Courses Options Geochemistry of Exogenous ProcessGeotectonics GMG5821 Geochronology (6 credits) GMG5826 Global Tectonics (10 credits) GMG5827 Special Topics in Structural Geology I (5 credits) GMG5828 Special Topics in Structural Geology II (5 credits) GMG5837 Radiogenic isotopes and Precambrian Crustal Evolution (4 credits) GMG5883 Strain, shear zones and faults (2 credits) GSA5796 Geotectonic Evolution of the South American Continent (6 credits) GSA5802 Paleoclimatic and Paleoceanographic changes during Cenozoic in the Earth (???) GSA5805 Tectonics and Sedimentation (8 credits) GSA5807 Micropaleontology and Geotectonics wiht on the geological history of basins and oceans (8 credits) GSA5812 Paleobotany: Plant Evolution and its relations with the Continental Drift (10 credits) GSA5815 Biostratigraphy – concepts, methods and applications (4 credits) GSA5835 Metamorphism and Tectonic Evolution (???) GSA5855 Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of sediments (4 credits) GSA5873 Low Temperature Thermochronology (4 credits) GSA5874 Seismic Interpretation of sedimentary basins (4 credits)