
Synergizing Place-Based Education and Interpretation in Geoconservation and Geoheritage

Dr. Semken will addressed in the lecture research correlates the sense of place with pro-environmental and pro-social attitudes and actions that can promote geoconservation and protection of geoheritage, considering the principles and methods of place-based education and interpretation, that can be synergized and applied to geoconservation and geoheritage activities.

Dr. Garcia will address in the lecture the Ethnogeology. and its study of geology using a place-based epistemology rooted in local language and culture, often drawing on local knowledge, traditional knowledge, and practices. This interdisciplinary subfield blends methods from established disciplines as field ethnography (anthropology), place theory (cultural geography, and environmental psychology), and field geology to explore how different cultures understand and interact with various Earth systems. Ethnogeological research typically focuses on specific communities and their unique perspectives, tapping into the valuable knowledge held by local community members and their relationship with the environment (human-environment).

Data: 29/07/24 – 14h
Local: Salão Nobre do IGc/USP

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