
Drones, Satellites & AI: Geospatial innovations for development

Drones, Satellites & AI: Geospatial innovations for development

Increasing satellite coverage and sensors and the ability to process it with AI, now gives us the capability to observe changes in urbanization patterns, land use, and climate over time. It is particularly useful for sustainable development in that is timely and can regularly be updated, it is scalable to regions and continents, and it provides information that is comparable between different regions. Other Earth Observation tools, like drones, can be used to gather detailed information of specific regions, even when clouds may block satellite imagery. However, as we make use of these technologies, it is important to think of how they fit into society. That is why incorporating movements such as Responsible AI is particularly important. This talk will: present examples of how EO is being used for sustainable development; highlight the importance of Responsible AI; and highlight future directions and upcoming opportunities.


Caroline M. Gevaert is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente in the Netherlands. She previously obtained her Ph.D. degree (cum laude) at the same university, and M.Sc. degrees at the University of Valencia and Lund University. She is currently member of the Dutch Young Academy of Scientists and co-chair of the International Society of Digital Earth Working Group 3 on Digital Earth Governance and Ethics. Caroline was one of the 15 global experts invited to review the UN Global Sustainable Development Report to be released later this year. Her research focusses on Responsible AI for Earth Observation, with a focus on applications in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Next to her academic position, she is an international consultant for the World Bank where she advises projects using geospatial technologies and community participation.

Data: 07/06/2023 – 18h – Salão Nobre do IGc/USP

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