Dissertação de Mestrado

Comparative analysis of disseminated and structurally controlled gold deposits of Juruena Mineral Province integrating geologic, geophysical, and structural frameworks: A case study of the Aguinaldo and Luizão deposit

CIRCULAR 25/2024

Comunicamos que no dia 16 de agosto de 2024, às 09h00, via remota, link de transmissão no YouTube https://youtube.com/live/VxxxGRxdnBU, será realizada a defesa de Dissertação de Mestrado de LUIZ EDUARDO FARIA COURA FILHO, intitulada:

“Comparative analysis of disseminated and structurally controlled gold deposits of Juruena Mineral Province integrating geologic, geophysical, and structural frameworks: A case study of the Aguinaldo and Luizão deposits”

Presidente: Dr. Vinícius Hector Abud Louro (Orientador)

Titulares: Dr. Roberto Perez Xavier (Unicamp) / Dr. Pedro Maciel de Paula Garcia (UFMT)

Suplentes: Dra Carolina Moretto (Unicamp) / Dra. Lena Virginia Soares Monteiro (IGc- USP)