
GeoAI Talk: Detect, segment, generate: the future of petrography with AI

Detect, segment, generate: the future of petrography with AI

O Laboratório de Inteligência Artificial do IGc (Intelli+Geo) promoverá no próximo dia 11 de agosto um GeoAI Talk sobre a aplicação de inteligência artificial na petrografia, através da detecção, segmentação e geração de objetos de minerais opacos e translúcidos. Venha conhecer como a IA está revolucionando a petrografia e como você pode participar.

Palestrante: Geólogo Iván E. Ferreira

Bio: I am a Master’s student in Geology at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), with a B.Sc. in Geology from the National University of Colombia. Proficient in Python programming and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software (ArcGIS, QGIS, Oasis Montaj).
My professional experience includes working as a Data Scientist at Grupodot and contributing to the evaluation of the Colombia Basin’s exploratory potential for Neoil and the ANH. Additionally, I have been involved in automating petrography projects for mining applications.
My research and academic achievements have been featured in Q1 journals and international conferences and my current interests lie in the Oil & Gas industry, data science, and machine learning, as I actively seek opportunities to apply my skills to innovative and challenging projects specially when involving computer vision applied to geology.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/@InstitutodeGeocienciasUSP