Academic citation

We will be very thankful if you use OpenStereo in your research and/or publication.

If you like, you can cite OpenStereo. So far, there’s the AGU abstract and an extended abstract in Portuguese, but a full paper is on its way.

  • Grohmann, C.H. and Campanha, G.A.C., 2010. OpenStereo: open source, cross-platform software for structural geology analysis. Presented at the AGU 2010 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Grohmann, C.H., Campanha, G.A.C. and Soares Junior, A.V., 2011. OpenStereo: um programa Livre e multiplataforma para análise de dados estruturais. In: XIII Simpósio Nacional de Estudos Tectônicos. [IN PORTUGUESE]