How to take your CPF (Certificate of Individual):
1. Go to the nearest post-office with your passport and a document containing your mother?s name, and request your CPF for foreigners after paying a fee of R$5,70 (five reais and seventy cents);
2. With your request protocol, go to an IR Service and appoint the withdrawal of your CPF document. (Scheduling is done for the same day, within a few hours after presenting your documents);
The nearest IR Service to USP
IR Service
The Federal Police Precinct of Brazil at Osasco – 8th R.F.L
Address: Rua Avelino Lopes, 156.
Telephone/Fax: (11) 2856-8277 / (11) 2856-6827
Office Hours: from 9am to 1pm
3. Please, wait to withdraw your document in the same place at the fixed time.
How to take your RNE (National Register for Foreigners)
The temporary permanence document for foreigners in Brazil is called National Register for Foreigners (RNE). Only by holding this number you will be able to open a banking account, buy public transport school pass, or carry out any activity that requires proven prolonged permanence in Brazil.
After getting your Student Visa Type 4 in your home country and applying personally at CCInt/IGc-USP to get your certificate of enrollment, please, follow these steps to get your RNE Card:
1) Enter the Federal Police site at; and fill in the GRU (Tax Payment Form);
1.1. Fill in your personal data: complete name, address in Brazil (street, city, area, zip code), e-mail address, and your mother’s and father’s name;
1.2. In the field “Unidade Arrecadadora” (Tax Collect Unit), please, select “SP 027-2 Superintendência Regional do Estado de São Paulo (Regional Superintendence of São Paulo State)”;
1.3. In the field “Código da Receita STN” (Federal Revenue Code ? National Treasure Office), please, select “140082 – Registro de Estrangeiros” (Register for Foreigners);
1.4. Then, click on “Gerar Guia” (Generate Form) and print;
2) Afterwards, you have to fill in again the same GRU in item one with the following changes:
2.1. In the field “Código da Receita” (Federal Revenue Code), please, select “140120 ? Carteira de Estrangeiro de 1ª via” (Original Foreigner Card);
2.2. Then, click on “Gerar Guia” (Generate Form) and print this other form;
3) Pay these two forms at any bank agency (please, mind the payment time limit. If convenient, you can pay them at the banks in the Campus);
4) With the two Federal Police forms duly paid, please, go to the address below from 8am to 12-noon. It is recommended that you should not wear shorts and sleeveless T-shirt, or else you will not be allowed in.
Federal Police Office
Address: Rua Hugo D’Antola, 95 – Lapa de Baixo – São Paulo, São Paulo. CEP 05038-090
PABX: (0xx-11) 3538-5000
FAX: (0xx-11) 3538-5930/6187
Further Information:
4.1. In the address above you have to present the following documents:
– 2 recently-taken, 3×4 undated color photographs with white background;
– Your valid passport (or safe conduct) and a notarized copy of it (except for the blank pages). Please, make sure that the page with your photo and name, the page with the visa and the stamp with the date of entry in Brazil are very clear;
Please, schedule at
IMPORTANT: Scheduling must be done to present the documents at the Federal Police Unit at Lapa region in São Paulo/SP (see address above).
Notary’s Office next to USP:
13º Cartório de Registro Civil do Butantã (13th Public Civil Registry at Butantã)
Address: Rua Pirajussara, 432 ? Butantã ? São Paulo, São Paulo.
Telephone: 3819-1188 / 3817-4762 / 3032-1031
– Original visa application form taken in your home country. Copies will not be accepted.
4.2. After your documents have been checked out, you should wait to have your fingerprints taken. You will be given a protocol that will serve as checking copy of your legal situation in Brazil. The official RNE will take up to six months to be ready; meanwhile, you can use your protocol without any problem.